Sunday, 30 September 2012

Song of the Day: Straight Reads the Line - Pilgore

     Whether or not you knew it at the time, yesterday's song was the start of a them. Sure, it's a very niche theme, and one that only extends to yesterday's band and today's, but it's a segue between the two nonetheless. What's this theme, you ask? Awesome defunct Canadian metalcore bands you've never heard of. Yesterday it was Kitchener's Kingdoms, and today it's Stoney Creek's Straight Reads the Line.

     Today's song is "Pilgore", the first track from Straight Reads the Line's only release, 2008's full-length The Author. Just like yesterday, I had a hard time choosing which song to showcase, since The Author's 25 minutes and 10 tracks are just as densely packed as Daughters of Atlas' 27 minutes and 7 tracks. What Straight Reads the Line brings to the table is more aggression, more hardcore, fist-in-your-fucking-face attitude.

     I had the good fortune of seeing both Straight Reads the Line and Kingdoms on the former's farewell tour, at a tiny little venue where you could give the slam-dancing scene kids right at the front a good wide berth and still never be more than 20 feet from the action, and both bands absolutely tore shit up. I'm not holding my breath, but new material or new performances from either of these acts would be awesome. Since that's not going to happen, crank their old stuff instead. Later skaters.

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