Friday, 21 September 2012

Song of the Day: Skyharbor - Maeva

     I've written about today's band before, along with their transformation from bedroom project in India to international sensation, back in the United Nations of Metal post. But I really dig them, and I figure there's still lots of you out there who aren't listening to them. What better reason to give them a Song for the Day.

     I recommended "Catharsis" before, and still do, but in the interest of giving you a better taste of what Skyharbor is all about, your song today is "Maeva" from the disc, Illusion, of Skyharbor's superb two disc debut Blinding White Noise: Illusion & Chaos. In addition to just being a good song, like the rest of Illusion it's another song to feature great vocals from Dan Tompkins. If you're not already cranking this album, you should listen to Dan and Skyharbor right now and see what you're missing.

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