Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Song of the Day: Alexisonfire - Counterparts and Number Them

     If you live in Canada, you've probably heard of today's band, so subsequently today's song will (probably) only really be new stuff to you if you live somewhere else. But then that's your problem, not mine.

     Alexisonfire is another one of those bands that, for both good and ill, evolved pretty far from their beginnings over the course of their career. (I use the past tense as Alexisonfire have unfortunately [or fortunately depending on your point of view] decided to call it quits, and are playing some farewell shows this fall.) They've ended up an arguably watered down, post-rock/post-hardcore version of themselves, but when they started out they had a definite metallic edge to them. How metallic, you ask?

     Your song today is "Counterparts and Number Them", song number two off of Alexisonfire's 2002 self-titled debut album. It's not the only heavy song on there by a long shot, but it is a perfect two minute and twenty second burst of everything that was fucking awesome about Alexisonfire's first record.

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