Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Song of the Day: Exit Ten - Technically Alive

     The last couple of days have been somewhat light on metal in the strictest sense of the word, so today we're going to start easing our way back into some heavier stuff. To help with this transition, I've got another band from across the pond that you've more than likely never heard of. As has been the case lately, Exit Ten aren't a straight-ahead metal band, but their catchy post-rock/post-hardcore sound definitely has a metallic edge to it (thanks in part to Exit Ten's drummer being one of the many former members of UK thrash gods Sylosis).

     Your song today is "Technically Alive" the opening track from 2008's Remember the Day and the first song I heard by Exit Ten, meaning it's got a couple of things going for it as a candidate for Song of the Day. Aside from these factors, "Technically Alive" also showcases the flashes of technicality guitarists Stuart and Joe inject into their songs as well as the power of Ryan Redman's vocals. Have a listen and then perhaps, like me, you'll be excited by my discovery in the writing of this that Exit Ten put out a second album last year. Tasty.

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