Thursday, 6 September 2012

Song of the Day: Thrice - Deadbolt

     Just like yesterday, today's band isn't new at all, and unlike yesterday, I would say Thrice are actually pretty big in the world of heavier music, with eight solid albums and a live double CD and DVD (with another live double album forthcoming this fall) under their belts. However, if you've only heard their more recent stuff, you could be forgiven for not knowing that Thrice can be pretty fucking heavy. They started off during the days of emo as a punky, hardcore-type band with strong sense of melody that was tempered by a bit of metal.

     Thrice have come a long way since then, and their sound have evolved into something that I feel comfortable describing only as "Thrice-like", but it's worth going back to the earlier stuff. If you're a longtime Thrice fan, like me, it's a welcome blast of nostalgia, and if you don't know Thrice, it'll be a welcome introduction to the back catalogue of one of the best bands of the decade.

     Your song today is "Deadbolt", from Thrice's 2002 album The Illusion of Safety. Now, I still think that their third album, 2003's The Artist in The Ambulance, is my favourite (notice I don't say their best), but "Deadbolt" is a classic Thrice song that they still play in their live set, albeit with a newer twist on the ending. Check out a live version afterwards if you like this one.

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