Monday, 1 September 2014

Yob - In Our Blood

     It's a long weekend (here in Canada at least) so I figure you've perhaps got a bit more time for today's song than you normally might. I certainly hope that you do, because you're going to need a healthy chunk of it to fully appreciate today's song.

     Oregonian doom dealers Yob have a new record out, and while doom and gloom isn't usually my thing the positive buzz I'm seeing about this one compelled me to have a listen for myself. The conclusion I've reached is that recently released Clearing the Path to Ascend is all about sloooww buurrrns (all four of the album's tracks clock in at more than ten minutes long) but there are indeed some tasty rewards to be had for sticking it out through the building phase.

     Album opener "In Our Blood" is a perfect example. Much of its near seventeen minute running time is spent on what I would call simmer, which is all well and good, but a couple of times Yob's pot boils over and when it does, it's some good, good stuff. Give it a go and see if it's the kind of thing you've got time for.

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