Sunday, 21 September 2014

Revocation - Madness Opus

     If Revocation's prior track record isn't enough on its own to get you jazzed about the upcoming release of Deathless in mid-October, the latest track they've released from Deathless should go a long way towards fixing that.

     "Madness Opus" is a suitably thrashy Revocation track, chock full of labyrinthine riffing and topped off with some sexy leadwork. Befitting the song's titular existence as an ode to insanity, the nearly six-and-a-half minute running time oscillates between speedier parts and more down-temp sections, but all of it is nice and meaty.

     If you've waited this long to jump on the Revocation bandwagon, you've been missing out, and should rectify this situation post-haste. Deathless is shaping up to be a monster of a metal album, and you don't want to be that one guy that gets left behind on this one. Find out why everybody loves Revocation RIGHT NOW.

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