Thursday, 4 September 2014

Album of the Week: Closure in Moscow - Pink Lemonade

     I'm fairly certain that if you've gotten this far with me, you've got a relatively open musical mind. If I'm correct in that conclusion, then this week's album will hopefully be right up your alley.

     I've written about Australia post-hardcore-meets-prog band Closure in Moscow several times in the past, featuring songs from their last couple of albums. Their latest, Pink Lemonade, presents something of a challenge to their established fanbase.

     You see, the first two Closure in Moscow albums were, like I said, post-hardcore-ish affairs, tinged with whiffs of other, proggier stuff that elevated them above mere post-hardcore-ism. First Temple, especially, is a great album no matter what genre label you want to put on it. But with Pink Lemonade the boys went full space-prog funk-pop and crafted something fans might not necessarily have expected -- or wanted -- as a follow-up to First Temple.

     But fear not. If you've got the kind of open musical mind I was talking about up top, there's every chance you'll be happy as a clam with Pink Lemonade, another kick-ass Closure in Moscow record now matter how you genre-fy it, and sure to end up on at least a couple year end best of lists. Spin it and see what you think.

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