Thursday, 4 September 2014

Wednesday: Exotic Animal Petting Zoo - Kasper Hauser Could See the Stars in Daytime

     Things seem to have been pretty quiet lately in camp Exotic Animal Petting Zoo. Checking them out on Facebook reveals that their last major round of touring was last year, with few posts since then, which I'm hoping means new material. Fingers crossed!

     I only discovered Exotic Animal Petting zoo a couple of years ago, upon the release of the more recent album Tree of Tongues, but these guys have quickly become one of my favourite currently active bands. I always forget how awesome their energy is whenever I go a while without listening to them, but get me about ten seconds into Tree of Tongues' opening track "Pharmakokinetic" and I'm hooked all over again.

     So now let's try and get you on the Exotic Animal Petting Zoo bandwagon too. I've written about them a couple of times before, and as such I've featured a few of my favourite EAZP songs already. But no journey through their catalogue would be complete without hearing "Kasper Hauser Could See the Stars in Daytime" (bonus: it's live at Audiotree!). So stay a while, and listen.

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