Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Unearth - The Swarm

     I used to really dig Unearth, but it's been a while since anything they've put out has gotten me really excited. All the stuff on their last couple of albums sounded kinda samey to me, as if Unearth were one of those bands that had found their sound and were now comfortable to just keep on keeping on.

     Don't get me wrong, Unearth's same ol' same ol' can be pretty tasty at times; Mr. Susi and Mr. McGrath can write cool riffs 'till the cows come home. It's just that at a time when I was getting into heavier and heavier shit, Unearth were still working from more or less the same playbook. Essentially, I got bored, and moved on.

     But Unearth has once again got my attention. The band debuted "The Swarm" on tour over the summer, but now we've finally got the studio version to sink our teeth into. Even better, it slays. The first song to be released from their forthcoming Watchers of Rule kicks off with trem picking and blast beating like an honest-to-Satan death metal song, and while it does wander back into more Unearth-y sounding territory its foot is still firmly planted on the gas for the whole three and a half minutes. Have a listen and see if your interest in Unearth is likewise rekindled.

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