Saturday, 20 September 2014

Flub - Unrequited

     If I told you today's song was by a band called Flub, what would your first assumption be? (Quiet in the back there, all you Flub fans...) Indie? Pop-punk? Maybe, at best, some kind of weird stoner prog band? Well, would you believe "Flub" stands for "melodically and technically proficient death metal"?

     Believe it, because Sacramento-based Flub are doing exactly that, as evidenced by their latest song "Unrequited" from the upcoming EP Advent. There's a lot going on, including some somewhat understated keyboard acrobatics, and all of it is decidedly and deliciously heavy.

     If there's something magical in the water in Australia (as I've previously suggested on more than one occasion) producing cool bands, then California's got some of the same mojo going on right now -- lots of cool stuff for everybody's taste, so start with Flub and "Unrequited" and go from there.

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