Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Album of the Week: Exotic Animal Petting Zoo - Tree of Tongues

     Last week I spent a day gushing over Indiana experimental post-hardcore band Exotic Animal Petting Zoo and imploring you to check out the tune "Kasper Hauser Could See the Stars in the Daytime". Today I'm going to make doubly sure you did so.

     Your assignment this week is to spend some more time with "Kasper Hauser" and all his other strange and twisted friends on Exotic Animal Petting Zoo's sophomore record Tree of Tongues. I've repeatedly talked about EAPZ's reckless energy and how I'd liken them to a modern day At the Drive-In, but now it's your turn to put your money where my mouth is.

     OK, so that sounded dirtier than I'd intended, but you catch my drift, right? I've said over and over how much I dig this album, and now you're going to hear what I've been talking about. I get the feeling some Exotic Animal Petting Zoo fans might recommend you start with debut I Have Made my Bed in Darkness, but for once I'm not one of those "first album is the best and everything goes downhill after that" kinda guys. They're both great records, but Tree of Tongues just feels to me like a more refined, more confident, and more badass version of the band's sound.

     So put on Tree of Tongues, listen to it the whole way through in one go if you can, and I bet you'll be sold before the end of "Arcology". Then we can join together and pester the band until they see fit to put out another album.

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