Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Tuesday: Beyond Creation - Theatrical Delirium

     Tech Tuesday might be a little late, but don't you worry, I've got a doozy for you courtesy of one of 2014's best progressive death metal records (hint hint...). Oh, and bass players, prepare to feel inadequate.

     I've featured Montreal's Beyond Creation before, but last year's Earthborn Evolution is so solid that I can't help but give them another day in the sun. Now, a bunch of tracks on that record have a bunch of shit going for them, but "Theatrical Delirium" gets the nod today (or yesterday...) for basically one reason: Dominic Lapointe's basswork. You want a masterclass on how bass playing in modern progressive metal should be done? Pull up a chair, some headphones, and something to conceal your impending shredding-induced erection, because you're going to want all three.

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