Saturday, 21 February 2015

Friday: 3 - Crazy Eyes

     You may or may not know this, but last year difficult-to-categorize prog-rock band 3 undertook a pretty ambitious project: to record and release a new song each and every month. Pretty ballsy, right?

     For a number of reasons both professional and personal, which I won't go into here (but which you can check out the band's Facebook page to find out more about if you're so inclined), that grand plan went off the rails a little bit. But that doesn't mean it got scrapped entirely, and Joey and company have recently released the latest in this ongoing series of singles.

     It seems as though "Crazy Eyes" was originally slated to see the light of day last fall, until some of the aforementioned life stuff got in the way. Listening to the end result, which finally came out last week, I for one am fine with the delay, considering the work of beauty that we ended up with. "Crazy Eyes" is relatively simple (compared to some 3 songs) and relatively mellow, musically speaking, and yet it's got a haunting quality that makes it arguably heavy as shit. If you can spin it once or twice and not feel something, whatever your emotional reaction might be, then you're a much better (or worse?) person than I am.

     Sound like a challenge you want to take? Click on or around this area and find out.

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