Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Brought By Pain - Guided By Fear

     It's been less than a week since we learned that phenomenal Canadian tech-death-prog band Beyond Creation have parted ways with their monster of a bassist Dominic Lapointe, but we're already getting some news that should cheer us up: Dominic's replacement has already been lined up.

     Now, before you go saying that whoever steps in to handle Beyond Creation's low end has some stupidly big shoes to fill, I urge you to check out today's song. I've even picked a playthrough video version of it, just so you can marvel both aurally and visually at the fleet-fingered bass work of one Hugo Doyon-Karout, bassist for another Montreal tech-death band, Brought By Pain.

     "Guided By Fear" comes from the band's 2011 album The Dreamer's Will, and it's a concise little slice of everything you might want in your technically proficient death metal: fast and furious riffing, sphincter-tight drumming, and nightmare-inducing vocals. Most importantly, at least as far as this discussion of bass duties in Beyond Creation is concerned, it fully demonstrates just how in command of his instrument Hugo is. Domonic set a pretty high bar for Beyond Creation bass work, but it sounds like things are going to be in very capable hands going forward.

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