Monday, 16 February 2015

Agent Fresco - Dark Water

     Even though it's a holiday Monday in most of Canada today, it's still a Monday, and you know how Garfield feels about Mondays. But take heart, because I've got a really cool little song to show you today that should provide just the right distraction.

     Iceland's Agent Fresco is a tough act to try and describe. They've got some pretty catchy material (like today's song) that at times can be the furthest thing from "heavy", but they've also got material (again, like today's song) that's got the kind of interesting grooves and chord progressions that permeate a bunch of different styles of metal and heavy music. I could spend all day trying to come up with the most succinct sub-sub-genre label for whatever it is that Agent Fresco do.

     But forget that noise, who's got time to spend all day dreaming up some pithy descriptor that's going to be forgotten as soon as you hear Agent Fresco's most recent single "Dark Water"? Better for me to save my breath (so to speak...) and let the song's quirky beauty and energy speak for itself. I pretty much guarantee you'll listen to this one a couple of times back to back; it's that good.

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