Friday, 27 February 2015

Thursday: As I Lay Dying - Through Struggle

     I'm going to throw it back for a belated Thursday post, because this afternoon my brother reminded me that, whatever you may think now of Tim Lambesis, As I Lay Dying write some solid riffs back in the day. Like this one.

     "Through Struggle" from 2005's Shadows Are Security was always a favourite among my friends and I, and for good reason. That opening riff will get your head going. You can't help it. Like most of this album, it's nothing flashy, but it is catchy, and while not everything on this record has aged very well, this one's still fun if you ask me.

     If, like me, you used to listen to a lot of metalcore, you're probably already right there with me on this one for a Throwback Thor's Day. If you didn't, or you're not, why not try to be for a few minutes?

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