Monday, 9 February 2015

Destrage - Where the Things Have No Colour

     I think it's time for another theme week, don't you? It hasn't been that long since the last one -- the second cover week was just before Christmas -- but they're a fun challenge for me to write and I hope a fun change of pace for you to read. But, I hear you ask, you're not just going to yet another week of covers, are you? Well, no, not exactly. But sorta?

     What I'm going to do amounts to a week of bands covering themselves, so to speak. Yes, dear reader, today is the first day of a week of Loud Noises Unplugged, a week of bands I dig offering up acoustic versions of some of their stuff. Note, however, that these aren't going to be the occasional acoustic songs that lots of otherwise heavy bands have sprinkled in over the years. No, these are going to be songs that were originally recorded as full on "plugged in" songs that have since been stripped back to more acoustic proportions.

     So who's first on the chopping block? Think back, way back, to the end of last week, when I posted my Ten Best of 2014 list. Remember Destrage, that band of Italian stallions I was raving about? They've recently put out a video for an acoustic performance of "Where the Things Have No Colour" from Are You Kidding Me? No., a song that has moments so big you might begin to wonder how it could possibly be successfully reined in. Trust me when I say that yes, Destrage can rein it in.

     Check out the acoustic version of "Where the Things Have No Colour", and I'll see you back here tomorrow for more of Lound Noises Unplugged.

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