Monday, 5 January 2015

Saturday: Cryptodira - Speaking the Ocean

     Time for a Saturday song, and I've got something suitably tasty picked out for a weekend jam.

     I've raved more than once about post-hardcore/metal band East of the Wall, and while I haven't heard any news about a new EOTW LP yet, I have read (as you may have as well) about a forthcoming split EP they're doing with a band called Cryptodira. I haven't heard the East of the Wall track yet, but if it's anything like the offering from Cryptodira, it slays!

     And realistically it could be. "Speaking the Ocean" is my first brush with Cryptodira, but the song's musicianship and sheer density remind me of East of the Wall and make the two bands' cohabitation on a split entirely understandable. I'll definitely be delving into some more from these guys, and you probably should too. Sounds like their next LP might just be killer, and right up my proggy alley.

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