Monday, 5 January 2015

Job For a Cowboy - A Global Shift

     Well fuck me, it's finally happened. After spending virtually the last month or so treading water and playing catch up, this is the first time in a long time that I'm writing Monday's Song of the Day on Monday. It's officially 2015, and your Loud Noises Song of the Day feature is officially synced up with the real world, so let's try and keep it that way, shall we?

     For your Motherfucking Metal Monday, I've picked a badass number from what I consider to be one of the most surprising albums of 2014. The more I listen to Job For a Cowboy's Sun Eater, the more I dig it; tight death metal drumming, some sinister riffing, some absolutely monstrous bass work are all things that catch my ear, but I wasn't expecting just how much my ear would be caught by this one.

     I could single out a number of tracks from Sun Eater (and already have a couple of times) but tonight I'm going with mid-album "A Global Shift", thanks in no small part to its sweet solo. Check it out, and then let me know if you were as surprised by its quality as I was .

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