Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Periphery - Alpha

     The wait is over, and Periphery's long-anticipated double album Juggernaut is upon us. So, what's your favourite track? Are you digging on Alpha or Omega more so far? Do you even give a shit that Periphery has a new record out?

     While you sit and ponder those imponderables, why not check out Periphery's first video for a song from one of the Juggernaut discs, namely their treatment for "Alpha". It's a cool enough little video, though it's nothing really groundbreaking or anything. But even if it's not your cup of tea, the track itself is a good slice of Periphery in 2015: the drumming is bananas, the riffing is good and groovy, and there's crazy popped-out falsetto vocals over top of the whole thing. Oh, and there's some 8-bit, chip tune-style goodness in there just for good measure. Fire up the Contra.

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