Thursday, 8 January 2015

East of the Wall - River Man

     Earlier in the week I raved about the latest song from Long Island proggers Cryptodira, which hails from an upcoming split the band did with none other than favourites of mine East of the Wall. The sheer awesomeness of "Speaking the Ocean" made me all the more anxious to hear East of the Wall's contribution, and as it turns out I didn't have to wait long.

     I came home from work today to find East of the Wall's weirdly cool cover of Nick Drake's "River Man" making the internet rounds. Yes, you read that right: East of the Wall's track on this split with Cryptodira is a cover of a Nick Drake song. Not what you were expecting from a band like East of the Wall? You'd be surprised.

     In the tradition of the best covers, East of the Wall don't just do a lounge act, cover band version of "River Man", instead making the song really feel like one of their own. It gets dense and technical, as an East of the Wall song should, and travels pretty far afield from Drake's original, but never so far that it sound like an original rather than a cover. I didn't see this one coming, but that almost makes it better, right? Just check it out already.

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