Sunday, 11 January 2015

Rishloo - Landmines

     It isn't every day that you come across a band that genuinely warrants comparison to one of the greatest prog bands of the last decade or two. It isn't every day, but it might just be today.

     Despite the fact that their later albums grew increasingly more hit or miss for this particular fan, there's no denying that The Mars Volta was more than capable of crafting some magic, when they managed to rein in their own musicianship. Listening to the track "Landmines" from Seattle band Rishloo's latest album Living as Ghosts with Buildings as Teeth invites comparison to some of those more focused efforts.

     Some gnarly guitar tones, some powerful vocal work, and a shifting compositional sense that doesn't sit too still for too long all add up to some interesting prog rock. It doesn't so much sound like a band trying to ape Mars Volta as it does a band whose sound happens to have evolved some aspects similar to that kind of a sound.

     Any road, the bottom line is that fans of good modern prog rock will dig these guys and as such would be well advised to check them out. You're welcome.

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