Saturday, 24 January 2015

Friday: Crosses - This is a Trick

     Today I'm once again trying to (admittedly belatedly) set the mood for your Friday evening, this time with a somewhat laid back track that still carries its own heavy flavour.

     For a Friday evening of maxing and relaxing with friends who are perhaps a little metallically inclined, Chino Moreno's latest non-Deftones project Crosses should be a pretty safe bet. It's a very electronic-influenced, darkly poppy project that's a pretty far cry from Deftones stuff. But it's also catchy as hell and replete with cool beats and melodies.

     Even if this kind of music isn't usually your bag, Crosses should hold your attention and garner your approval. Have a listen to "This is a Trick", the opening track from Crosses self-titled 2014 debut LP, and see if these guys will make it into your regular Friday evening rotation.

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