Thursday, 1 January 2015

Monday: The Mars Volta - Cotopaxi

     We're continuing to battle the clock here at Loud Noises, and by my watch it's time for a song for this past Monday. We're almost there, people!

     As it so often does around here, Monday means alliteration this week, in the form of a Mars Volta Monday. Usually, as you should know by now, I'd be more likely to pick something from the band's earlier work, since that's the stuff I both like the best and think is objectively the best quality. But today I'm going with something a little later in the band's catalogue for your Monday Mars Volta song.

     That song is "Cotopaxi" from 2009's Octahedron, which normally I would consider to be one of The Mars Volta's less cohesive, less focused works. But at less than four minutes, "Cotopaxi" doesn't have time to wander or overstay its welcome, and it's all the better for it. Check it out if you want example of a later Mars Volta effort that's still concise and coherent.

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