Friday, 28 June 2013

Song of the Day: Protest the Hero - Blindfolds Aside

     It's the start of the Canada Day long weekend here in Canadia, so we're going to do a few days of Canadian songs. And we're going to kick it off with one of my favourites.

     Back in the day when I first heard of this young (younger even than me at the time) crazy talented band called Protest the Hero, the song I was told to check out was "Blindfolds Aside". I probably went over to their Myspace or something to listen to it, I don't remember exactly, but I do remember being instantly blown away, and as a guitarist, instantly jealous of these guys who were still teenagers at the time.

     So even though the band themselves have moved on from 2005's Kezia, generally playing little material from it live, let's go back tonight to the album that started my love for this band and have "Blindfolds Aside" for your song.

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