Saturday, 8 June 2013

Song of the Day: Meshuggah - Dancers to a Discordant System

     I've heard Meshuggah categorized a lot of ways. Hell, music people were so at a loss for what to call whatever it is that Meshuggah has spawned that they coined a whole new term for it, the now-infamous "djent". They're a band that can be all over the map over the course of a single album, let alone a single song. But what about -- stay with me here -- industrial?

     That's right, industrial. Specifically, obZen's closing track "Dancers to a Discordant System" sounds to me like some infernal daemon engine chugging along merrily. Tomas Haake's steady-yet-off-kilter groove plods relentlessly forward, a bizarre machine whose steady pace is juxtaposed with the jittery stop-and-start of the dissonant riffing, creating the image of something arcane and on the verge of shaking itself to pieces.

     Artsy enough an interpretation for you? Maybe you disagree with my use of the term "industrial" to describe this song, but hopefully you won't argue too much if I also use the term "fucking epic" as I recommend "Dancers to a Discordant System" as your song of the day.

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