Monday, 10 June 2013

Song of the Day: Northlane - Dream Awake

     I've been rocking Northlane's new album Singularity all day and I'm finding it pretty tasty. It's pretty djenty, and as such it's not exacly the most unique album out there, but there's something about it that I'm diggin' on that I can't quite put my finger on.

     Maybe it's Northlane's stronger-than-average sense of melody. Or maybe it's their capacity for writing heavy hooks and grooves. I'm sure vocalist Adrian Fitipaldes' delivery has something to do with it: he uses some interest phrasings and cadences, and he also likes to do this kind of scream/shout-singing that reminds me of Darkest Hour's John Henry, and that can only be a positive comparison.

     I'm going with "Dream Awake" from Singularity as your song this evening, but I implore you to give the whole disc a spin and see what you think. Sure, it's got some surface djent going on, but if you dig in there's more there than initially meets the ear.

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