Sunday, 2 June 2013

Song of the Day: Plini - Selenium Forest

     As you may or may not have noticed, the second installment in what will hopefully become a long running series of Twenty Questions Q & A posts went up this afternoon. In it I asked a few (twenty, actually) questions of none other than Australia's Plini, a very talented guitarist/songwriter I've featured before here in the Song of the Day.

     If you haven't done so already, head back to the main page and have a read, and then pop back round here and have a listen to the epic "Selenium Forest", the third track from Plini's recent EP Other Things. Assuming you're good with directions and have just come back from reading about Plini you'll know that Other Things is only the first in a planned trilogy of EPs. If you'll allow me to be so dorky as to make this analogy, I'm very much looking forward to Plini's Empire Strikes Back. It's going to be a good summer for cool music.

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