Sunday, 19 July 2015

Thursday: Led Zeppelin - Trampled Under Foot

     Most of my Throwback Thursday posts lately have been little baby jumps back in time, a decade or two, at most -- trifles, really. For this Thursday's post, I'm genuinely throwing it back a ways -- forty years or so, if you're counting. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Led Zeppelin.

     Led Zeppelin usually get lumped in with classic rock, or sometimes mentioned in the same breath as bands like Black Sabbath when discussing the origins of heavy metal. And while both of those classifications are valid, there's so much going on across the breadth of Zep's catalogue that one can find whatever genre they want given only minimal searching, or none at all. Groovalicious funk, anyone?

     Your Throwback Thursday song for this week is "Trampled Under Foot" from Zep's 1975 album Physical Graffiti, a raunchy slice of relentlessly driving funk that you can't help but bob your head to. Take a break from getting out of whatever comfort zone you usually inhabit, pile into your car, roll the windows down, and crank some Zep, starting with this one.

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