Thursday, 30 July 2015

Monday: Meshuggah - Obzen

     When I want a Metal Monday song, there are a few bands that I can count on as go-to touchstones for straight up heavy. Your belated Monday song for this week comes from one such band. Prepare yourself.

     I've read that the title of Meshuggah's obZen is, among other things, a sorta kinda portmanteau of "zen" and "obscene", and "obscene" is definitely a word I would use when describing my favourite Meshuggah material, as in "obscenely heavy". Longtime readers may by now have noticed my fondness for Meshuggah's sixth album, and while it's not the only one I dig, it is the one that got me into these crazy Swedes, so it's got that special "popped my Meshuggah cherry" place in my heart, y'know?

     So for Metal Monday I'm going with obZen title track "Obzen", a muscular tour de force of angular chugging and aggression. Doesn't it just make you want to mosh someone into the ground? Here's a fun game: next time you're at the office, put on "Obzen" and work your co-workers into a circle pit by the water cooler. If you need help, just show them that video of scenes from The Wolf of Wall Street cut to (you guessed it) Meshuggah so it looks like Leo's headbanging away in perfect time. Everybody will jump right on board after that.

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