Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Tuesday: Fallujah - Levitation

     My next catch-up song might not be quite tech enough to qualify for Tech Tuesday, but it is dense and heavy as fuck, and that can go a long way towards trumping sheer technicality. Oh, and did I mention that just because they're not shredding around 24/7 doesn't mean Fallujah can't play the absolute shit out of their instruments? So there's that too.

     I've previously made no secret of just how much I dig Fallujah's 2014 masterpiece The Flesh Prevails, but there's more than enough rock solid material on said album to justify some more time for Fallujah in the Loud Noises spotlight. Take as your latest example "Levitation", a dense, ferocious, and majestic snapshot of where Fallujah is at right now (or was at in 2014 anyways). I know The Flesh Prevails isn't even a year old yet, but bring on the follow-up, guys!

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