Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Saturday: In Each Hand a Cutlass - Overture

     So you've been getting into instrumental post-rock and post-metal, and you're really digging it, but there's one problem: you're not necessarily the biggest fan of all that "slow build, ebb-and-flow, heavy-on-the-atmosphere" post-instrumental. The solution? Unleash The Kraken!!

     More specifically, the solution is unleashing the latest album The Kraken from Singapore's awesomely-named In Each Hand a Cutlass, who demonstrate perfectly that a band doesn't need a vocalist to straight-up rock. In addition to having some phenomenal artwork, The Kraken boasts oodles of dynamics, groove, and subtly sophisticated musicianship across its twelve proggy, lyric-less tracks.

     You're getting seven-minute monster "Overture" simply because I can't settle on one song from The Kraken and its as good an example of In Each Hand a Cutlass as any. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: there's great heavy music to be had all over the world, if you bother to look for it.

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