Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Song of the Day: Radiohead - Karma Police

     90's Week rolls along apace this afternoon, and today we're going with one of those songs that'll get everyone in the room at a party singing. Bonus points if you can play it on guitar or piano.

     Radiohead's "Karma Police", from 1997's OK Computer, is a seminal song on an album full of seminal songs. I could have gone with any number of songs from the classic OK Computer, but I went with this particular one because of it's ubiquity but also because I learned how to play it fairly early on in my guitar playing career and could still probably remember just about all of it without any trouble.

     "Karma Police" was a big part of the soundtrack to my youth, and I suspect I'm not alone. Put it on, put your car in reverse, and hope the burning gasoline doesn't catch up with you.

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