Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Song of the Day: The Ocean - Abyssopelagic I: Boundless Vasts

     In the last couple of weeks I've read several "best of the year so far" lists. While I don't know if I agree with the necessity of doing such a list, I do agree completely with at least one selection I've seen crop up repeatedly.

     I'm a latecomer to the German music collective The Ocean, but after April's Pelagial I am most definitely interested in checking out some of their back catalogue. The concept album tracking descent through the different layers of ocean water works on so many different levels.

     Case in point: I've previously featured "Mesopelagic: Into the Uncanny" as Song of the Day before, and today's song "Abyssopelagic I: Boundless Vasts" harkens back to "Mesopelagic" like one wave echoing its predecessor. Both songs get going with virtually the same riff before taking their different paths. Hearing the musical echo of "Abyssopelagic I" four tracks after "Mesopelagic" is like looking back up through the water at the image of the sun: it's the same as it was but it's also distorted and shifting and that much dimmer, giving new perspective on something so familiar.

(Unfortunately Youtube's not on my side today, and there's no video of this one out there. Somebody get cracking!)

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