Saturday, 25 April 2015

While She Sleeps - Our Legacy

     It's 'core time again for your Saturday song, this time from a band I've written about a couple of times before, but not in a while. They've got a brand-spraking-new record out, so I figure it's about time we revisit British metalcore act While She Sleeps.

     If first single "Our Legacy" is any indication, While She Sleeps' new album Brainwashed is melodic metalcore with a capital 'M' on both. Melody and sing-along-ability are here in spades, but there's some nice chunky riffing happening here too. Think more recent Darkest Hour with the overt technicality turned down some and you'll get at least some sense of the flavour of While She Sleeps. Check this one out if you're looking for something fun to share pints and stories over this weekend.

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