Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Tuesday: Arsis - Choking on Sand

     Well here we are once again: the top of the mountain is within sight, and we're ready to make a push for the summit. Time for a little bit of Tech Tuesday! And just because I think it's about time they rounded up their riffs and headed back into the studio, we're going to have another Arsis song, OK?

     Unwelcome, Arsis' last album, only came out in 2013, so there might not be anything in the works just yet. But Mr. Malone and Company have been working on a 2-3 year album cycle since, well, pretty much ever (not even counting EPs) so it wouldn't be that out of the question to hear some Arsis news sometime this year.

     In the meantime, let's have something from the aforementioned Unwelcome, shall we? Your Tuesday track is "Choking on Sand", which has some fleet-fingered-and-wristed riffing that makes this one metal enough for that badass song title. Check it.

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