Monday, 13 April 2015

Sunday: Solipsist - End This Day

     I told you I'd get you back into metal territory soon enough, and lo, I am a keeper of promises. Enjoy your Sunday song kids.

     Cleveland's Solipsist is an interesting beast. Their vocalist has a bit of a Randy Blythe thing going on sometimes, but their sound is definitely more death metal than Lamb of God's. So think Lamb of God with the deal metal quotient turned up a bunch, and you'll at least have a starting point for Solipsist.

     The band's latest album, last month's The Burning Mass, offers a number of tasty tracks that I could have chosen as your belated Sunday song, but I've decided to go with the melo-deathy "End This Day" simply for its driving energy. There's almost a bit of a Black Dahlia Murder feel to this one. Give it a listen, and then check out the rest of The Burning Mass. It's not anything mindblowing, but there's some rock solid riffage to be had. Have at 'er!

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