Sunday, 19 April 2015

Saturday: 36 Crazyfists - Whitewater

     Let's keep this metalcore train clickity-clacking along for your belated Saturday song, shall we? For this one we're headed back to America's vaguely Canadian cousin Alaska for another sampling of the wares on offer from metalcore stalwarts 36 Crazyfists.

     The song in question this time out is going to be "Whitewater" from 2010's Collisions and Castaways. The band's sixth studio album, Collisions is a great example of a band staying the course. Sure, 36 Crazyfists can be kinda "samey" here and there, a symptom of any band that finds their sound and keeps returning to that same well.

     But sometimes that same sound you fell in love with is the sound you're looking for. You could just keep listening to the same old shit again and again, which is perfectly fine, or you could get into one of the rare bands that keeps their core sound but also manages to keep their songwriting quality high enough that at least thing aren't exactly the same all the time. If you dig metalcore, 36 Crazyfists is a band like that, so give "Whitewater" a go and see what you think.

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