Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Plini - The End of Everything

     This one's easy. So easy, in fact, that I almost can't believe I haven't done it before now. But then yesterday, as if in answer to my neglect, the stars aligned, the heavens opened up, and Plini released a new music video... of sorts.

     The latest EP from the Australian guitarist, The End of Everything, dropped last month, and silly me, I've yet to feature any of its three slices of awesome. I get to change that today, thanks to yesterday's release of a music video to accompany title track "The End of Everything".

     But remember that "of sorts" from earlier? The twist here is that the video is only partly a music video, while at the same time being partly a documenting of their process of crafting a custom guitar strap for Plini's sexy Strandberg. All the visual is secondary, however, to what's coming out of your speakers and going into your earholes, which is a suitably epic-cum-jazzy opening to the end of Plini's trilogy of EPs. Only question left is, when does the LP drop?

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