Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Monday: The Healing - Transcedence

     Your Monday song is another one of those Facebook feed finds, this time coming to me courtesy of the feed of The Room Colored Charlatan.

     Charlatan shared this one a week or two ago, but it's taken a bit to grow on me enough to become a Song of the Day. Part of the reason for such a slow burn might be that "Transcendence", the first video release from The Healing's debut EP of the same name, is pretty straight-forward, unrevolutionary melo-djent metalcore.

     Which isn't to say it isn't solid. "Transcendence" has some groove to it, and a big melodic chorus with head-sticking potential. Come to think of it, that's a big reason why the aforementioned slow burn of digging this song eventually became an actual flame: these guys sound like they have a bunch of potential.

     Assuming their style of "progressive metalcore" (often a byword for that onomatopoeic sound we all love) doesn't completely dry up before they get what they can out of it, I can see The Healing really being a name an album or two from now. If they can take their strong senses of rhythm and melody and break out of their djenre with them, "Transcendence" might just be the tip of an iceberg.

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