Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Tuesday: July Talk - Gun + Ammunition

     Surprise! Looking around for your Monday girlfriend birthday song, I actually came up with a couple of contenders. So as a Tuesday bonus you're getting another interesting-but-not-metal tune. Enjoy!

     July Talk is a Canadian alternative/indie rock band based around a male/female dual vocal dynamic that's one part sweet and sunny and one part daily gargling with whiskey, Tom Waits-style. I'll let you take your best guess as to which part is which. July Talk shouldn't really appeal to me, and a lot of their stuff doesn't really, but they've got a couple of songs that just grab me, and this is one of them.

     I don't know if it's just the sound of male vocalist Peter Dreimanis' voice on this particular track, or the insistent, driving rhythm, or the minor and vaguely haunting key, but for whatever reason "Guns + Ammunition" has gotten stuck pretty deep in my head on more than one occasion. It might not be your thing, but variety is the spice of life so why not expand your auditory horizons? Happy Birthday again Pumpky!

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