Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Monday: Sam Roberts Band - We're All in This Together

     So Monday song...Monday song... hmmm... Well, since Monday was her birthday, I'm going with a fun rock number for my favourite pumpkinhead. Happy birthday!

     Sam Roberts and his eponymous band are, by this point in their collective careers together, becoming something of a Canadian institution. They've got five albums and a bunch of Juno awards (our Grammy, Yankees...) under their belt, and it's not all that hard to see why. Sure, it's not metal, but their poppy indie-rock has more going on than many of their contemporaries, and feels more genuine to boot.

     Take "We're All in This Together", the first single from the band's latest album Lo-Fantasy, as an example. It's catchy and bouncy, but with a little funkified flair. It's radio-friendly pop-rock, but there's horns and keyboards and other, not always mainstreamy, rock elements. Basically it is the kind of non-metal I like to advocate, namely non-metal that I think a metalhead of taste similar to mine could reasonably get into. Are you that metalhead? Listen to "We're All in This Together" and find out. Oh, and join me in shouting Happy Birthday on three...

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