Sunday, 31 March 2013

Song of the Day: Scale the Summit - Whales

     Today's band are among many cool bands that are at last report in the midst of writing new material. And while Scale the Summit is certainly in good company when it comes to bands aiming to release new records in 2013, if their last outing, 2011's The Collective is any indication this one should be something special. In fact, The Collective made such an impact with me that last time I feature a Scale the Summit song it was that album's first track, and today it'll be that album's second.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

Song of the Day: Northlane - Quantum Flux

     I've seen the name of today's band crop up a couple of times online lately, touring with this band or being mentioned by that band, but I didn't check them out until this evening. Here is the result of my investigation.

Song of the Day: Mastodon - Crack the Skye

     A wee bit late  tonight/this morning, but nevermind. Again tonight I've got to do a little creative logicking to get where I want to be, but it'll be fine, you'll see. What the fuck am I talking about? Well, yesterday I wanted to do a Tesseract song, but for want of a new Tesseract song I got where I wanted to be via the roundabout way of Fellsilent, a band tangentially connected to Tesseract in a 6 degrees kind of way.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Song of the Day: Fellsilent - Erase/Begin

     Another day, another teaser for the new Tesseract album that I can't use as a Song of the Day. Soon, my pretties... Anyways, tonight instead of posting more old Tesseract, I'm taking a different tack. I've written about today's band before, but judging from the fact that they've only got a little over 330 likes on their Facebook page I think many of you might not be familiar with them. Sure, they're defunct, but from their ashes Acle Kahney soared pheonix-like on to Tesseract.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Song of the Day: Baroness - The Birthing

     If you follow any metal news at all, and certainly if you're a fan of the band, you probably already know that two of the dudes from Baroness have left the band. Bass player Matt Maggioni and, most lamentably, drummer Allen Blickle have amicably parted ways with the band, delivering Baroness another blow following last year's serious bus crash. Frontman John Baizley has said that the band will continue, but chances are it'll be a bit before we hear anything like new Baroness material.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Song of the Day: Anup Sastry - Limitless

     I've written about the purveyor of today's track before, but previously it's always been by way of his connection  to other musical projects. You see, up and coming drummer Anup Sastry is the skinsman for both Intervals and Skyharbor, two slick bands that are more than worth checking out. But Mr. Sastry has just released his first solo effort, which means more tasty grooves for the masses!

Monday, 25 March 2013

Song of the Day: Thrice - The Weight

     Super quick post today because it's past my bedtime and I've got a bit of a busy day tomorrow (and not just because Bioshock: Infinite comes out tomorrow...)

     Your song today is "The Weight" from Thrice's 2009 album Beggars, and it's for someone very special. You know who you are.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

Song of the Day: Arsis - Scornstar

     I try to keep ahead of all things heavy music, but believe it or not this isn't my "day job". Not even close. This means that I too often find myself a little behind in terms of news. As such I just found out today that there's already a single out from the upcoming Arsis album. Say what?! Maybe you've already heard it, or maybe you don't give a shit, but I feel it's my duty to bring it to you anyways.

     Your song tonight is "Scornstar", the first single from the upcoming Unwelcome from tech-death fan favourites Arsis. It hasn't been that long since the "Leper's Caress" EP and already it's time again for some new Arsis, and I for one won't complain one bit. And how about that song name? "Scornstar"? I'm diggin' it. I'm not sure exactly what it means, but I'm diggin' it.

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Song of the Day: Mother Mother - Bit By Bit

     Some days you just want to get away from everything and everyone. Today was not necessarily one of those days for me, but maybe it was for you. Or maybe yesterday was. Or maybe tomorrow will be. Any way you slice it, we all feel the need to escape sometimes. Today's song speaks to those times.

     "Bit By Bit" from Mother Mother's fourth album The Sticks, released last year, talks about moving out into the woods to be away from everyone, and it's a catchy, quirky little ditty. Mother Mother may not be metal, but I saw them live a couple of albums ago and they were definitely worth checking out -- opening for the also-Canadian Matt Good, they blew him out of the water.

     If you listen to metal, you've probably already got some aggro songs in mind for those days when the world's out to get you. But if you feel like a change of pace and a change of scenery instead of going at everyone who aggravates you with a chainsaw, check out "Bit By Bit".

Friday, 22 March 2013

Song of the Day (Mar22): Refused - Summerholidays vs. Punkroutine

     As part of my role as an educator I like to do a little history lesson here at Loud Noises every once in a while. Today's band have been the subject of such lessons before, but how will new generations of Loud Noises readers learn if they don't get the same instruction as those who've gone before them? Exactly.

Song of the Day (Mar 21): While She Sleeps - Hearts Aside Our Horses

     Yesterday or the day before I said something about djent perhaps not being your favourite genre, or maybe being one you're tired of hearing about. But if djent is getting a little played out, then what would you call metalcore? Antiquated? Maybe even irrelevant? Balderdash! There's still good metalcore being made out there.

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Song of the Day: Monuments - Empty Vessels Make the Most Noise

     Today is one of those days when I'm sure there's something cool and unique that none of you has ever heard of and that I'm forgetting to tell you about. Wrack my brain as I might, I still feel like there's something I'm forgetting. But since I can't remember what that might be, your getting some sweet shuffle action.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Song of the Day: Killswitch Engage - The New Awakening

     Just a quick one for you tonight, and one that you might have already heard elsewhere. But just in case you haven't, here you go again. Don't say I never do anything for you.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Song of the Day: Tesseract - Acceptance (Concealing Fate Part 1)

     Over the weekend the British prog djentlemen in Tesseract released a new teaser of material from their upcoming disc Altered States, out in May. It's another taste of Tesseract with their latest singer Ashe O'Hara and even though it's not a full song I'm still digging what they're putting down so far. But since it isn't a full song, nor do we even know which song on the album it's from, I can't very well make it a Song of the Day yet, can I?

Sunday, 17 March 2013

Song of the Day: Spirit of the West - Home for a Rest

     Top o' the evenin' to ya, lads and lasses. It's St. Patrick's Day and when I think of good Celtic songs (I say good because I've just spent the afternoon being accosted by more Celtic music than any one person needs) there's one that comes to mind immediately. Sure, it's not metal, and it's not even Irish, but the sentiments expressed coincide perfectly with the mentalities both of the Irish and of the touring metal band. Maybe you've guessed the song by now?

Song of the Day: Rush - YYZ

     At work we have the local classic rock station on the radio all the time, as I know I've mentioned before, and one of the many interesting things I've noticed is that you don't get a lot of instrumental tracks in the world of classic rock radio.

     Don't misunderstand me, as I know there's lots of instrumental classic rock tracks out there. I'm just saying you don't hear many of them on the regular, non-satellite radio on a regular basis. However, given that I'm Canadian, there is at least one classic instrumental cut I can count on hearing at least every once in a while.

     Your song tonight, while not metal, is Rush's "YYZ" from the 1981 prog classic Moving Pictures. You might be familiar with this song and not know it, since it's a) instrumental (and therefore lacking that special Geddy Lee something) and b) just one of those songs nobody knows the name of or who it's by, but even if you're not familiar with it at all I defy you to listen to it and then not want to hear it covered by your favourite metal band. Leave any especially interesting suggestions for possible cover artists in the comments below.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Song of the Day: Jon Gomm feat. Dan Tompkins - Ain't Nobody

     This evening we're on our way out to the annual end of the year banquet for my department, meaning I have to get this out of the way now so that you, dear reader, need not go a day without me. But normally it takes me all day to settle on something, meaning I don't have a metal song in mind yet. I do, however, have something that will still fit the bill.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Song of the Day: Intronaut - Sore Sight for Eyes

     If you're anything like me and you frequent any metal-related sites on the Interwebs, you're no doubt at least somewhat familiar with Intronaut. And if you frequent any more than a couple such sites you're probably well aware of the fact that they've got a new album coming out next Tuesday.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Song of the Day: Uneven Structure - Frost

     I was just thinking we could use something with some groove and lo, my trusty Shuffle-o-matic delivers. I've written about today's band before but there's still a good chance you don't know them, and that's something you should change right now.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Song of the Day: The Dillinger Escape Plan - Prancer

     It's already almost the Ides of March (Classics reference, FTW!) so by this stage of the game the Interwebs has likely already made you aware of the fact that masters of mathcore mindfuckery The Dillinger Escape Plan have a new disc ready to unleash on the now-suspecting masses, One of Us is the Killer, out May 14th.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Song of the Day: Mestis - Te Mato

     This evening you're getting another dose of Mestis, the latin-jazz inspired instrudjent side-project of Animals as Leaders guitarist Javier Reyes for the simple reason that I finally got around to ripping my copy of Basal Ganglia and throwing it on the old mp3 player.

Sunday, 10 March 2013

Song of the Day: Animals as Leaders - Weightless

     Sometimes, as I've said before, I feel the need to comment on a post to update it, usually because a band has released a video for a song since I featured it as a Song of the Day. But sometimes I get to get in on the ground floor and come across a video for a song I've yet to feature, meaning I get to kill two pigs with one bird. Today is one of those days.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Song of the Day: David Byrne - Glass, Concrete & Stone

     Since it was released on Tuesday, I've been playing a fair amount of the new version of Sim City - more than I should be, because it's a productivity killer. But it's so addictive once you get into it, and one of the many reasons is the decidedly unmetal music that's soothing and serene and just a smidge quirky. In fact, it keeps remind me of today's song, hence my choosing it to share with you.

Song of the Day: Slipknot - All Hope is Gone

     Yeah, I know, I'm late. Let me explain though. We were at a social gathering this evening for the birthday of one of my colleagues, and we've only just arrive back at our domicile. Posh enough for you? Good.  Oh, and there's also this thing called Sim City that's nibbling at my time too. But enough excuses. Time for metal!

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Song of the Day: Pantera - Cowboys From Hell

     Nothing new or groundbreaking about today's song, just a tasty classic metal track because I'm tired and don't have anything else prepared for you. So even though it's Thursday you should probably raise a brew like it's Friday because it's Pantera time.

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Song of the Day: Matthew Good Band - Carmelina

     I know, I know, Matthew Good Band isn't metal, but let me explain. Sometimes I have my mp3 player set to shuffle through my whole music collection, and sometimes I use its random album function. Doing that latter today got me to Matt Good Band's Audio of Being album, which immediately reminded me of a single from that album that I hadn't heard in years. I skipped right to it and turned it up, and now you should do the same.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Song of the Day: Kaki King - Carmine St.

     I'm dialing in something a little mellower this evening, but I think you'll still dig it. After all, it's interesting, it's instrumental, and it's guitar based, so it's pretty much par for the course around here.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Song of the Day - Tomahawk - Oddfellows

     I'll confess right now that I'm not a Tomahawk fan. I'm certainly familiar with them; how could one not be, given the legendary status of frontman Mike Patton? But I don't have any Tomahawk albums or anything. Maybe I'll have to change that...

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Song of the Day: The Contortionist - Dreaming Schematics

     Lately there's been a few past songs of the day that have received the moving picture treatment, requiring me to go back and comment on a post with the video so that if by some slim chance you show up here not having seen the latest and greatest you can glean a little something something from your visit to Loud Noises. It's really a lot of hassle. Like, tons. So this evening I'm going to eliminate the middleman that is me and cut straight to the chase by picking a song that already has a video.

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Song of the Day: Unearth - Big Bear and the Hour of Chaos

     I've written about American metalcore band Unearth once before, but only once, and that's been on purpose. As I've said before, I think Unearth is guilty more than any other band of resting on their laurels and writing songs and albums that suffer from too much interchangeability. But that doesn't mean there aren't some cool Unearth tunes, like tonight's short, sweet, and rather mature instrumental cut.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Song of the Day: Drive Like Jehu - Here Come the Rome Plows

     We're going to shift gears slightly this evening, going from the hardcore of yesterday's Burning Empires song to the wacky post-hardcore of Drive Like Jehu, a band I'm much less familiar with than I should be... for now...