Saturday, 2 March 2013

Song of the Day: Unearth - Big Bear and the Hour of Chaos

     I've written about American metalcore band Unearth once before, but only once, and that's been on purpose. As I've said before, I think Unearth is guilty more than any other band of resting on their laurels and writing songs and albums that suffer from too much interchangeability. But that doesn't mean there aren't some cool Unearth tunes, like tonight's short, sweet, and rather mature instrumental cut.

     Your song this evening is "Big Bear and the Hour of Chaos" from 2006's III: In the Eyes of Fire. It's not shreddy or thrashy or even really otherwise Unearthy, but that doesn't change the fact that it's a catchy little ditty that shows Unearth eschewing their usual bombast for something simpler on this album closer. Why not let it soothe you into sleepy town tonight?

     Unfortunately for you, most of the videos I'm coming up with on Youtube for this song are covers. If you want to hear some guy play this on a guitar that's in the wrong tuning, be my guest and have a look through what's out there. Otherwise... Spotify? Bandcamp? Your guess is as good as mine!

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