Monday, 18 March 2013

Song of the Day: Tesseract - Acceptance (Concealing Fate Part 1)

     Over the weekend the British prog djentlemen in Tesseract released a new teaser of material from their upcoming disc Altered States, out in May. It's another taste of Tesseract with their latest singer Ashe O'Hara and even though it's not a full song I'm still digging what they're putting down so far. But since it isn't a full song, nor do we even know which song on the album it's from, I can't very well make it a Song of the Day yet, can I?

     So instead you and I will both have to settle for some old Tesseract to hold us over, OK? Your song tonight is therefore "Acceptance", the first part of the epic Concealing Fate suite from Tesseract's debut album One. It's not exactly the best representation of a band to recommend a song they recorded two singers ago as a reason why you should be listening to them now, but One had such an impact on me that I can't talk it and Tesseract up enough. Even without hearing anything from Altered States I would still be excited, and having heard "Nocturne" and now this new sample, I for one am getting nice and stoked for the new incarnation of Tesseract.

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