Friday, 26 October 2012

Song of the Today: Weerd Science - Girl, Your Baby's Worm Food

     Hey everybody, I'm back with today's Song of the Day for today, but I've got a bit of a caveat before we get started, and here it is: this song is super duper NSFW and probably pretty offensive if you don't have a good (read: dirty, filthy, and generally terrible) sense of humour, or if you're just pro-life. Huh? What does TheBeard mean by that? Read on.

     OK, with that warning out of the way, I can get on with the little bit of dot-connecting I have to do with yesterday's song. I promise the walk is much shorter than it was for said song, which was by Joey Eppard's band 3. In 6 degrees of separation style, I got you to 3 by way of Coheed and Cambria's prodigal dummer, Joey's brother Josh. In so doing, I mentioned in passing Josh's other gig, MC for rap act Weerd Science, which it occurred to me most of you might never have heard of, and that's a shame, because Josh's work with Weerd Science is so much more than just another white guy trying to make it in a post-Eminem world.

     With the inevitable comparisons to Eminem in mind, your song today is "Girl, Your Baby's Worm Food" from Weerd Science's 2005 full-length debut Best Friends and Nervous Breakdowns. Why the NSFW warning at the start of this post? Well, without spoiling too much of the fun (and it is a hilarious song, despite its subject matter), it's a song about forced abortion. Let that sink in a second, and then let this sink in: I don't know a ton about rap, but in my humble opinion Josh is every bit as talented as Marshall, capable of writing a catchy tune with good beats, flow, and production all while having his tongue planted just as firmly in cheek as Em ever did. The only problem is that it's tough to sell a million records when you've got a song on your album about forced abortion.

     Let's change that, shall we? Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not advocating forced abortion, or even advocating any abortion (though as a man lacking a uterus I feel my right to dictate what women can do with bodies is completely nonexistent). I'm just saying that subject matter that's outside of the "mainstream" (whatever that is) shouldn't necessarily relegate music, or any art, to the fringes. Like I said, I don't really know shit about rap, but I know what I like, and Weerd Science is good shit, whether it's about the usual bitches and money or not.*

     OK, rant over. Just listen to the fucking song already and form your own fucking opinion, will ya?

* It's not.

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