Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Song of the Day: Trioscapes - Blast Off

     I've got something a little different for you today, and something I can't believe I haven't posted about before. However, I warn you now, there be saxophone ahead. I know sax isn't everyone's favourite thing, and can in fact be quite divisive, so consider this your fair warning that today's song includes sax.* Intrigued? Read on.

     So there's this band, Between the Buried and Me, maybe you've heard of them? They're OK. And they've got this bass player named Dan, and he's OK, and he's got this other band called Trioscapes that's also pretty OK. Here's the saxophoney catch though: Trioscapes is a three-piece jazz trio consisting of drums, bass, and sax. If that doesn't automatically send you running for the hills, you're in for a treat.

     Your song today is "Blast Off", the appropriately titled first track off Trioscapes' 2012 debut Separate Realities. Now, obviously if you're like Vince Noir and just don't get jazz, Trioscapes probably isn't for you. But if you're more of a Howard Moon type, you might find Trioscapes right up your alley. And if you can tell me what either of those names mean, I'll give you a bazillion bonus points.

* That's more warning than you got before the sax in The Faceless' "Deconsecrate" from a while back, so quit your whining.

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