Monday, 22 October 2012

Song of the Day: Protest the Hero - C'est la Vie

     I don't know if I've mentioned it before now (it might very well not have come up) but I'm going to see Protest the Hero tonight. I've seen them a couple of times before at another venue, and I've seen several other band's at tonight's venue, so by doing the maths I've come to the conclusion that seeing a high energy band like Protest the Hero in a small comedy club should be a good time. I'm looking forward to putting another notch in my Protest the Hero belt.

     Don't know Canadian punky prog-metal (or would it be proggy punk-metal) prodigies Protest the Hero? I know I've talked about them before, even given them a Song of the Day, but maybe you're some kind of johnny-come-lately and you never saw any of that. So what better way can I celebrate the occasion and introduce the unfamiliar than by doing another Protest the Hero song today.

     So your song for today is "C'est la Vie", the first song and first single from Protest's latest album, 2011's Scurrilous. It does a good job of encapsulating Protest the Hero's knack for writing catchy, singable songs that are also complex, heavy, and full of energy. Some of the older stuff might be a little more dear to my heart, but "C'est la Vie" is the perfect slice of where the band's at right now. Put it on and be jealous that they're not playing in your town tonight.

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