Sunday, 10 February 2013

Song of the Day: Vanisher - Into the Sands

     I'll confess right up front to not knowing a ton about today's band, Vanisher. I downloaded their 2012 release Unbound last year (for free!) from their bandcamp, but I haven't really listened to much of it except when it comes up on shuffle -- like it did today. Only today it hit me that more people should probably have heard about these guys. They're decently heavy but still the kind of thing you might hear on the radio, albeit not in a bad way. And there's enough blast beats, screamed vocals, and shreddy guitar to convince me that Vanisher is more than just a catchy chorus.

     Want to hear what I'm talking about? Your song today is radio-ready fist pumper "Into the Sands", a fun song that's equal parts metalcore gallop and arena rock power chords. The vocal melodies on this one might be a little too saccharine for some, but like I said, if you check out this track and a couple others from Unbound (or single "Martyr to the Flames") I think you'll find something worth at least a little of your time.

     Oh, and since I can't find a youtube link to a copy of "Into the Sands", it's your lucky day: here's the like to the download page for Unbound on Vanisher's bandcamp, and you can still get it for free! You're welcome.

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